Thursday, November 12, 2009

"I was hoping for a male pharmacist..."

I do not know this person, but he came in around 9:30pm one night, and that is how he started his conversation with me. Well, you might have guessed it. It was interesting to hear about more of the misconceptions people have surrounding pharmacology, specifically erectile/sexual dysfunction. This was actually a pretty academic discussion, although he was apparently inquiring for himself, after deciding I looked safe enough to ask. Here were some of the questions, which took awhile to actually define:
#1. What is the "natural equivalent" to Viagra?
My answer: there isn't one, although there are definitely medicinal natural compounds, there are no equivalent alternative/herbal medicines to Viagra. After I took out my PDA and looked into it for a second on Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, I found out that yohimbine has some weak evidence. (It also has cardiac side effects that sound pretty scarey.)
#2. What does Viagra do anyway? I don't understand any of the physiology...
My answer: "Drugs like Viagra increase blood flow." I suppose I was somewhat inhibited, because he thought about it for a second, and looked at me, and I did not elaborate further, although he asked the question again after a few minutes, and I eventually did give him a little more..."...increased blood flow to certain relevant areas through dilation of blood vessels..."
#3. I tried Levitra and it didn't work for me. Do you think it could be because I drink about 5 cups of tea every day?
My answer: The caffeine in tea may have an effect on the nearby renal system by causing fluid loss (aka diuresis), but unlikely it's contributing. I would have to look into it more to say for sure. You may want to give Viagra a try, because it is a similar medicine with a slightly different chemical structure, which makes it a potential option, even though Levitra did not work for you.
#4. When I was with someone I really cared about, "I didn't have any trouble," so that makes me think it's partly emotional.
My answer: Sex originates in the brain for sure. And that could definitely be a factor.

Would you believe me if I told you he eventually confessed that he used to rob pharmacies--"not to make me nervous or anything..."? Since then he said he's tried to just find out where the natural source of the medicines we use is, so he can just buy it from the herbal section of the pharmacy [unsaid...and he won't have to resort to robbery anymore??!]

What would you have said? I have to admit that I was pretty happy when 10pm arrived and it was time to go; however, I felt pretty good about his taking the time to discuss such a personal issue with me at such length, although I clearly wasn't the male pharmacist he was hoping for. I was happy for the opportunity to dispel some myths. Too bad he didn't have any questions about avoiding STD's... maybe another day!